Tyler & Kayce got married August 7th. It was one of the sweetest, most beautiful weddings I've EVER been to and I'm so proud of Kayce and all her hard work. It was a coffee theme wedding--- brown, teal & mint green. SOOOO PRETTY!!!! You can view their pictures for the next couple months at http://www.mkevents.net/ select View pictures ....select Tyler & Kayces wedding....password is ...love. ENJOY! Let me know if you have any trouble. Thank you to all those that had a part in making this such a wonderfully, special time in their lives. They enjoyed a wonderful honeymoon in a cabin in the smokies in Pigeon Forge, TN. They came and spent a couple nights at home with us, before moving to Merrillville, IN on Wednesday the 18th. Kayce had a job interview on Thursday morning and an after her interview she was called and offered the job. She accepted a Pre-K teaching position at a christian preschool...God is sooooo good! Tyler went back to work today, too! I hear their apartment is coming along wonderfully and can't wait to see it.
Billy started his new job today and so far so good. I'll keep ya posted on that...pray for him!!!! He's sooo excited to have the church bus back on the road and looks forward to God doing GREAT things. He appreciates all the help & excitement from others, too!!!
Breanna is doing great. She officially starts her 'new career' tomorrow!!! She was accepted into the Apprenticeship Program at Salon Del Sol last week. She is soooooooo excited and can't wait to begin this new chapter in her life. Shes always LOVED doing hair & nails. Although she knows its going to be hard work....she's ready for the challenge. I appreciate all the prayers and efforts made to make this happen for her!!!!
So, thats the May Mayhem these days!!!! I'm just a happy mom trying not to cry every waking moment as I deal with all the changes. Happy, sad, Happy, sad....I truly am emotional these days!!! HAHA
Love ya...til the next blog (which hopefully will be sooner this time than later) !!!!!