Happy Tuesday everyone!!!!
I went to the Dr. and got out my staples. I now have butterfly stitches but its all good. He was very impressed with how well things are going. Please continue i get well with no infection! I'm sore and taking things slow. but you know thats tough for me since im so used to being on the go all the time. I'm loving being at my parents house. Its so quiet and calm. I love it! Billy and Jeremy worked all day today in my bathroom.(Ummmm yes....i hear theres a new hole in my hallway wall!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH....its all good I'm on happy pills so i will not cry) ha! ha! I appreciate there time and efforts so much. I don't think it will be done for Tyler this time but maybe Christmas. Speaking of Tyler, he comes home tomorrow nite...early Wednesday morning! Please pray for his and Michaels traveling mercies. Bre is excited her brother and Michael are coming home too! Pray hard for them!
Well its time for Zzzzzzzzzzzz......please feel free to call, email or come see me at my moms. Love you all lots!!! Psalms 27:13 I had fainted, unless I believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! God is so good...he's so good to me!!!!!!