What a fun day! Bre and I went to lunch with Christine today at her school. We took her Taco Bell and suprised her! She walked around the corner and did exactly what Bre said she'd do...yelled " PAMMY!!!!!!!! BRE BRE" and came running to us. It was so precious! Then we were able to sign her out of the cafeteria (thank God! It was loud in there)haha and went to the Courtyard for lunch. (she was allowed to bring a friend so Riley ate with us) They were soooo cute!!!! Thank God for the BEAUTIFUL weather today. We had such a great time. The goldfish in the pond were loving the weather! It was Wacky Tacky day for Christines class (as I'm sure you can tell) and of course she looked the best of everyone. (Brittany Jr) She got a special recognition award today for being good, etc... and her picture was posted on the bulletin board in the hallway. She loved getting to show us that, too. It was flashback city for Bre seeing school like that again. (she has only been to public school 4th grade and guess what?! I only went in 4th grade, too) We got to see music class and gym class going on and of course the cafeteria. So fun! Hope she enjoyed it as much as we did! I cannot believe how fast she is growing up. We went to Caitlyns birthday party on Saturday and I just couldn't stop thinking of holding her in the hospital when she was born. I'll have to find that picture and post it soon! PRECIOUS! Of course, they are getting older but I'm not! Ha ! Who am I kidding?!? 40 happened!!!! haha
Until next time......... :) Love you guys!
Fun fun! Love the huge flower!! And the Pippy Longstocking pigtails!! LOL! I'm glad ya'll got to go surpise Chrisine. You couldn't have done that if you were working! But, I am praying for you to find a job QUICKLY. Love you girlfriend.
Hey Bre! I love you too!! You're a very special young lady to me! I pray for you too! I'm glad Taylor chose you to look up to, you're a good one!!
Love the new background! See....you're getting the hang of this blogging thing! :) Love you lots, and am praying hard for your job search. Thank you so much for everything!!
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