Okay sooooooo I'd really really like to make a snowball and have some sled riding fun..BUT NOT THIS MUCH!!! I enjoy making a snow angel....and snowball fights and....snow icecream....and a fire in the fireplace....and would love a really good 'one time' snow that lasts for 3-4 days and then turn 75 degrees outside and be t-shirt weather again with the smell of flowers growing. haha Perfect huh?!?! :) Hmmmmm ...I guess thats where the saying...'have my cake and eat it too' comes from!!! Please pray for his safety as he is driving in that mess!!!!! He is officially a second semester sophmore and I cannot believe its almost the end of his second year! (please pray for him and Michael to get good jobs) Bres doing great with her schooling and I'm beginning my new job search. (please pray for me!) It has been such a blessing to be home with her during this surgery recovery. (which by the way..I'm feeling great) But duty calls (or is that the bill collectors call) and I must go back to work :( heavy sigh.... Billys work is doing okay. No overtime but thankfully he still has a job! So thats the May Fam.....until I blog again...Love you guys!!!!
Oh the memories those pictures bring back! I don't miss that stuff at all! I'm praying for you guys. Love ya!
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