xoxo THATS MY HUSBAND!!! :) xoxo
Me & Bre in Durham, NC 4/18/09

Missionary Sunday 4/19/2009 I LOVE BALLOON SUNDAY!!!!!
(extra balloons ...sending the plan of salvation...We must reach them while we can!)
Well.......its almost the end of April and I cannot believe how fast time has gone. Tyler will be home in a month and I'm so excited. We had such a great visit at Spring Break with Tyler, Kayce, Michael & Bre here at the house. The older I get the more I realize how much I cherish having all the kids around. When that young missionary couple came to our church a couple weeks ago, it sure made me realize how much I hope and pray my kids stay close by. I want them doing what God wants for their life but I know he gives us the desires of our hearts and being near them is MY desire. Aren't I selfish?! :) At the ladies meeting in Durham, NC this past weekend I realized next year will be Bre and I's last ladies meeting together. (unless she lives near my house after she gets married and we can go together still like me and my mom!) She graduates in June next year and plans to attend Hyles Anderson in September next year. Pray for her :) Pray for Tyler at college :) Pray for the plans we are making to go to Brittanys graduation in May! So excited for her!
I still haven't found a job. I am suppose to get a call this week from two different places that I had phone interviews so pleeeeeeease pray it all works out SOON. (the one job is 7 minutes from home and I'd be able to come home for lunch! AWESOME) God has been so good and met all of our needs and I'm so thankful we've made it this far. (thank God for the tax refund, friends & family) If you had told me in November (after my surgery) that I would still be out of work in April...I would never have believed it. But as my preacher said, I can, we can and GOD CAN!
Well .....must go clean and make lunch for my Bre. My fantabulous sister in law Cheryl is here visiting from Minnesota and may come over later with my wonderful in laws.(I LOVE THEM!) I am so blessed to have a wonderful family!!!! And I have super great friends that I love so so much and encourage me more than they know!!! (special thanks to Ann Hoopsick for all her help...what a blessing she's been to Bre & I!!!)
God is still good ...when the waves roll high
God is still good...all through the night
When I've done all I can, and I don't understand
God is still good
Clouds of doubt may darken my way
But showers of blessings will come anyday
He'll bring me through and I'll stand and say...GOD IS STILL GOOD!!!!!
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