Things have been so busy and are only going to get busier in the next few months. I am currently home recovering from some surgery. I'm feeling okay but not great. :(Surgery was May3rd) Since I am always on the go.... I don't 'rest' very well so this is hard for me. I can't lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk for several weeks and well......thats almost imossible to do. So, basically I have been reading a lot, facebooking, and taking care of things I need to get organized or lined up for the next few months. My family & friends have been so wonderful to me. We've had meals everyday, cards, flowers, gift baskets, company and just an outpouring of love & prayers. I appreciate it so much. Angie & the girls brought lunch and visited with Bre & I today (I love them so much!!!)) and Teresa Conner brought dinner tonight :) I truly do feel spoiled!!!! I plan to go back to work June 1st.
Billy (my spousal unit hee hee) is doing fantabulous!!! He has been so very helpful to me and is playing Mr. Mom VERY well. :) He has our yard looking so beautiful (I'll have to post some pictures soon) When not at his full-time job as a driver delivering plywood, laminate etc....he is home building custom made doghouses! ( I think there are pictures on my blog from last March post) He LOVES working with the kids at church in Jr.Church and has a passion for driving the bus and picking up kids for church. He is truly a fantastic servant and a wonderful husband and dad.
Bre is doing wonderful! She will graduate high school June 12th and has taken a full-time job at a Pre-School. (for now) She is considering going to Cosmetology School in the fall but is still 'open to the possibility' of going away to college. PLEASE be in prayer with us about her decisions. God's will is the only place to be so we are begging HIM to show her what to do. She is a wonderful daughter and we couldn't be more proud. She will also be turning 18 in June and I can't believe it!!!! Needless to say, we are busy busy planning graduation parties and birthday parties. She has been dating her boyfriend Michael, for over 2 years.
Tyler got engaged to Kayce in December and is getting married August 7th. They are doing wonderful and I know God has big plans for them. Kayce will graduate May 28th and come home to continue planning her wedding. Tyler will stay in IN working his full-time job. They were able to go last week and pick out their apartment, and also take engagement pictures! These are such exciting days for them.!!!! So as I'm planning graduation parties, 18th birthday parties, I'm also working on a rehearsal dinner and wedding stuff. :) God is good...all the time! We are looking forward to going to Kayce & Nathan's graduation and seeing Tyler & Brittany. (Its been a loooong 5 months for this mama!) He will come home in June for Bre's birthday party and then go back to IN til the wedding. I'm soooooo very proud of him and am anxious to see what God has in store Tyler & Kayce.
My parents are doing wonderful! They just celebrated their 45th Wedding Anniversary. When I'm asked about my parents by longtime friends I also say...THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME! Still serving the Lord full-time (40 years now) same godly, loyal, faithful,dedicated people. Its so great to have such a 'goodly heritage.' My brothers & my sister and their families are doing fantastic. I love them all so much!!!!
Soooo, this is my life in a nutshell..or blog posting!!!! Hope this finds you and yours doing well, too!!!! I will post some pictures in the next day or two ..........
Please keep the May Fam in your prayers!!!!!
*~*Live well, Laugh often, Love Much*~*
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