SATURDAY NIGHT! THE GIRLS WERE WONDERFUL!!!! We had a scavenger hunt at the park, went to chik fil a for the school fundraiser, played Twister, watched a movie, jumped on the trampoline, ate chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream for breakfast and headed to church together on Sunday. It reminded me of the huge responsibility our preacher & God trust me with to teach these girls. I've had soooo many girls come through my class and if I can help prepare just one...then I've done my part. As they jumped on the trampoline, I was reminded of all their different personalities and thanked God he didn't make us all alike. Thank God

there's only one me! LOL I immediatly thought
of all the girls that have been through my class
over the years. (to name a few.....Misty, Kayce, Brittany, Kasey, Karey,Amanda, my Breanna and all the girls that are now in the teen group ) If I can make a difference in just one ..I've done my part!
Continue praying for my job hunt. I was so upset Friday when I found out I didn't get the HCA job I wanted but God knows. (everyone keeps telling me HE has the perfect job waiting for me....I so hope they're right! And I really hope the perfect job isn't this part time daycare position I've been offered...AHHH!!) LOL But it would be money coming in and I will be grateful for that!!! Thank you to all my wonderful friends who listen to me whine, cry, vent......I love you guys!!!!
I was blessed with a $100 Walmart gift card given to me Sunday anonymously, $35 Walmart gift card from my fabulous secret sister, $20 anonymously in a very sweet card to me, $50 given to me to send Tyler, and $20 given to me by Diane Farmer to send Tyler) Does God Love Me or what?!?! I already bought tons of groceries with the Walmart cards!!!! :) We have the GREATEST church and friends in the world and I can't say thank you enough for all the love and kindness they've shown to me and my family!!!! THANK YOU! THANK Y

Just keep Swimming! (which reminds me....we
had a great ladies meeting last night and Amber
did a great job with the food and meeting.She's awesome! Over 30 ladies were there on a Monday night...which is excellent!!! We are drawing new missionary groups in April so if you're not in a group...we'd love to have you !!!Heather gave an EXCELLENT devotion on
"Are you building a brickhouse?" I know I have some sand in my brickhouse that is making me weak...thanks for the reminder, Heather...you're the best..Me & my Bre love you)
Thank you Pam for havig the sleepover at your house. Kasie had a wonderful time. Thank you for being such a wonderful Sunday School teacher to her. I for one think you have probably left a good mark on several girls throughout the years. You are a wonderful, Godly woman who is the greatest! I cherish your friendship too. I will keep your job situation in prayer. Something is waiting there especially for you. It will come. It's all in God's perfect timing. Love you Friend!
GOOD STUFF Pam! Taylor had a great time. I'm glad that she gets a chance to spend time with her Sunday School teacher outside of church. She loves you and Bre so much! So to I! Your a great friend and encourage me so much! I'm trying to pray you in a job girl. Hopefully it'll come soon and you'll love it. Love you!!
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